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Mobil Pegasus Special CF

Mobil Pegasus Special CF
Mobil Pegasus Special CF
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Pegasus Special CF is formulated from high quality base oils and a balanced ashless detergent additive system. It is designed to provide excellent protection of engine and compressor components while reducing combustion chamber deposits in all engines and port carboning in two-cycle engines. Pegasus Special CF exhibits a high level of chemical stability and resistance to oxidation and nitration to help provide long oil life and lower filter replacement costs.

Mobil Pegasus Special CF has excellent anti-corrosion properties, which helps prevent corrosive wear in cylinders, valve areas and bearings resulting in longer engine life. The anti-wear properties helps minimize wear of rings, liners, and bearings.

Features and Benefits

Mobil Pegasus Special CF provides excellent low temperature performance providing faster lubricant supply to critical engine components particularly under cold start conditions. It provides good engine cleanliness while maintaining low wear rates which could result in improved engine performance, reduced maintenance costs and improved production capacity. Pegasus Special CF exhibits excellent chemical and oxidation stability resulting in long drain periods and reduced filter costs. Its excellent ashless detergency technology reduces deposit formation in combustion chambers and in two-cycle engine ports resulting in lower maintenance costs while improving engine performance and reducing fuel costs. Mobil Pegasus Special CF is specially formulated to work with a variety of emission control systems including the latest two cycle, lean burn oxidizing converter systems designed to meet the MACT (Maximum Achievable Control Technolgy) requirements of the US EPA Clean Air Act.

FeaturesAdvantages and Potential Benefits
Effective Low Temperature PerformanceImproved cold-start lubrication
Excellent Anti-wear PropertiesHelps lower engine component wear
Outstanding Oxidation and Chemical StabilityCleaner Engines
Extended drain interval potential
Helps reduce oil filter costs
Excellent resistance to oxidation and itration
Ashless FormulationReduces port carboning in two-stroke cycle engines
Controls combustion chamber deposit formation and Improves spark plug performance
Helps Improve engine performance
Very Good Corrosion ResistanceReduces valve guide wear in four stroke-cycle gas engines
Protects bearings and internal components
Effective Dispersancy/DetergencyCleaner engines
Longer oil filter life
Helps lower maintenance costs
  • Effective Low Temperature Performance Improved cold-start lubrication
  • Excellent Anti-wear Properties Helps lower engine component wear
  • Protection of valuable catalyst in Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) emission systems
  • Minimization of catalyst fouling, degradation. and poisoning in emission systems
  • Outstanding Oxidation and Chemical Stability
  • Extended drain interval potential
  • Excellent resistance to oxidation and nitration
  • Ashless Formulation Reduces port carboning
  • Controls combustion chamber deposit formation and Improves spark plug performance
  • Helps Improve engine performance
  • Protects bearings and internal components
  • Effective Dispersancy/Detergency Cleaner engines
  • Longer oil filter life
  • Helps lower maintenance costs
  • Reduces potential number of lubricants needed


  • Engines with Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) emission technology and those that must meet stringent air quality requirements
  • Crankcases and power cylinders of spark-ignited two- and four-cycle gas engines
  • Engines subjected to remote startup under cold ambient conditions
  • Mainline applications where engines are shut down for long periods and must start and come on line quickly
  • Applications requiring ashless or very low ash formulations
  • Applications where port carboning is a potential concern
  • Reciprocating compressor cylinders compressing clean natural gas
  • Situations where consolidation to fewer lubricants is advantageous
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